importing goods from China in shortest time and lowest cost with Alivala Trading Company

importing goods from China in shortest time and lowest cost with Alivala Trading Company


import goods from China to Iran / import any type of goods from China to Iran in the shortest time with Alivala trading company

Import goods from china to iran

Import from china
Import from china

Do you know how to import from China to Iran? Do you know which products can be imported into Iran? China is one of the big and powerful commercial countries that has been able to become one of the economically developed countries by increasing its export level in recent years. Iran also has the most trade with China and imports many of its products from this country. International trade, which includes imports from China to Iran and even other countries, requires a lot of experience and skill, which we will provide further explanations in this regard.

Clearance of goods by natural and legal persons

Imports from China to Iran can be counted as one of the most important economic activities that contribute to the economic progress of different societies. Now, the import stage, as one of the most important trades in the world, requires compliance with many points and rules, which you, a natural or legal person, must acquire a lot of information in this regard. Considering the importance and necessity of imports to meet the needs of the market, and since meeting the needs of the market is one of the most important concerns of the government, it has come up with measures to solve this problem. protects. One of the most important points in the field of international trade is who clears the goods from customs?

Clearance of goods is one of the most important stages of import, after which a natural or legal person must take all the necessary measures to clear the cargo. The importance of clearance is to show that your imported goods are entering the country legally and through an authorized route. Customs is usually the place where the imported goods are delivered; However, the clearance must be done only by the buyer or his representative. At this stage, even the price of the shipment is determined, and the value and valuation of each product will definitely be different from the other, considering many parameters. The person who clears the goods must have a lot of experience and information and also be equipped with a business card. A legal person can also do such an activity through a natural person.

Types of imports in the world of international trade

As mentioned, import is done to meet the needs of the market, the imported product can also include all the existing products that are needed in the market. As a person who works in this field and intends to import from China to Iran, you should be familiar with all the dos and don'ts of this field. One of the points that every businessman or every natural or legal person should get information about is getting to know the types of imports. Some types of import or import methods are:

• Definitive import

• One of the types of import methods includes definitive import, according to which you can import a certain type of product by considering all the rules and conditions, as well as obtaining the necessary permits and paying attention to the standards. Now, after paying the customs fees and providing the required documents, a natural or legal person can buy the imported product. You can use this method to import from China to Iran.

• Temporary import

Among the types of import methods, temporary import can also be mentioned. As the name of this method suggests, you have to temporarily import a type of product into the country, taking into account the conditions or under certain conditions. However, this shipment must enter Iran within a specified time and leave the country within a specified time. Usually, such products include products that are in the field of exhibition or research, as well as by government institutions to control a certain disease or other. This shipment may include a product that is imported from China to Iran or it can be imported from another country.

Product seller validation in the international market

To buy from China to Iran, it is not bad for you to get familiar with some important points. Validation is one of the important steps of international trade. The meaning of seller validation is that you, as a new person who does not have much experience in this field, should get a lot of information about the seller or exporter. This is definitely one of your powers as an importer, and you have the right to do a lot of research on the seller of the product and, as a result, make a purchase after making sure. Validation can also be done in international trade, maybe you are a novice and do not have the necessary maturity and want to learn how to validate in international trade. To validate the seller and recognize him before buying and making payments, the following steps should be taken:

• You should request the exporter or manufacturer to send you their business profile.

 • To import from China to Iran and for validation purposes, you can find a lot of information about the relevant company, which is the exporter, through internet search.

• Information sources are also among the most important stages of genealogy. Also, information about the desired company can be obtained through business consultations by other countries.

• The most important method that can definitely gain your trust in the natural or legal person of the exporter is to use the services of embassies. Also, with the help of government information sites, it is possible to ensure the authenticity of the relevant company.

How to validate the seller of the product

• For validation of imports from China to Iran, you can also apply through Iranian cargo companies located in the country of origin. These companies are among the most reliable centers from which you can get information about the exporting company and the exporting person.

 • Technical visit as well as drawing up the contract is one of the most important steps that you can get to know the seller during this stage.

• To import from China to Iran and in order to carry out validation, you can request the exporter to send documents approved by relevant institutions and organizations.

• Examining the product as well as requesting a bank guarantee for advance payment can also be considered in this regard.

Obtaining the necessary permits to import from China to Iran

One of the effective steps in international trade is to receive the necessary permits from institutions and organizations related to this field. Note that some of these licenses are very important like a business card and are considered as an official document and birth certificate of the importer and exporter. The buyer must obtain the necessary permits based on the laws and regulations for permitted importation. Even for import from China to Iran and all countries of the world, this document must be obtained. Some organizations and institutions related to issuing licenses include the Ministry of Industry and Mines. Many users obtain some permissions after doing many business processes, which is a very wrong thing; Because it will slow down their work process. But if they obtain the necessary permits at the appointed time, they will definitely speed up all the import processes.

Order registration license or proforma invoice are among the licenses that are required in the initial steps of import. Of course, the order registration permission must be obtained before issuing the proforma invoice. On the other hand, you should make sure that the imported goods are permitted, conditional or prohibited, and for this purpose, you can also refer to the country's customs import offices and make sure that the relevant goods are not prohibited. Pay attention to this point that in order to obtain the necessary permits, you also need documents and documents, which you must obtain information about in each part separately and along with the required documents and documents to the relevant institutions to obtain the necessary permits. take action Apart from the required documents and documents, the importing natural or legal person must have conditions that are determined based on international laws and laws between the two countries. So, for importing from China to Iran, the first step will be obtaining the necessary permits.

An overview of the international trade of countries

Iran has had commercial relations with many countries in recent years, but it is an important and important point that Iran has the most commercial relations with which countries. The results show that a major part of the country's trade belongs to China and the most imports have been from this country in recent years. Perhaps, considering the current economic conditions of the country and unfair sanctions, these relations are stronger and more than before. For this reason, it can be said that the choice of the country of origin for international trade and even the imported product is influenced by the prevailing conditions and laws, and you should get a lot of information about the imported product and the country with which you are going to do business at the very beginning. do it Sometimes the need for a product in the market may be very high and you may not be able to import the desired product from a country where trade with it is the simplest possible; These are all points that should be considered in international trade.

But in any case, you are obliged to choose a field of activity for importing from China to Iran. For example, you intend to operate in the field of importing food or detergents, even machines and production line devices. In this case, after your field of activity is determined, you should also get a lot of information about your field of activity. Laws may have been established in that area based on the issued directives, and knowing them is one of the important parameters of success in international trade. Of course, another important point is to be familiar with the laws of the country of origin, and all the laws between the two countries that are parties to the transaction should be examined despite the international rules and regulations.


Import and export is an important process that many countries of the world are currently operating in the international market in order to progress or develop themselves. The import of required products and the export of mass production of the country can cause economic prosperity. However, this international business itself is a very vast or complex world, where there are thousands of law articles and different conditions that every businessman must consider in order to succeed in his work. Familiarity with all these matters will help you to increase your business power and be able to compete with your tough competitors in the international market. On the other hand, among all countries, China is one of the first priorities and of course the best Iranian business destinations, and usually the level of imports from China to Iran is much higher than other countries.

The reason for this is because of the advantages that trade with this country has; But doing business with any country will require experience and knowledge. If you are at the beginning of your business, it is better to consult with businesses such as Ali Wala, which cooperates with a reasonable price.

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