importing goods from China in shortest time and lowest cost with Alivala Trading Company

importing goods from China in shortest time and lowest cost with Alivala Trading Company


Trade with the best

Alivala trading company
Alivala trading company

About us

Alivala Trading Company has different offices in China and Iran and is proud to cooperate with those who intend to buy and import goods from China

Importing goods from China today is not only an important part of the import issue in Iran, but due to the rapid changes in trade with China, it is always accompanied by new changes and regulations. The import of goods from China has not only been of great interest among Iranian merchants and traders, but nowadays it is very important in all the countries of the world that cooperate in some way with the Chinese economy and also exchange goods with China. At first, it seems easy and easy, but with a little investigation and inquiry, we will come to the conclusion that this is not so easy. We will be by your side by providing import and clearance services from China. You can contact us by clicking on the options below


Contact us

Mr jawid, Office Manager in China
Mr jawid, Office Manager in China

Phone : jawid  008613883921774

Import from china

our services

 Find the product you want quickly

Negotiate to get the best price

Purchase and inspection of goods 

Transportation of goods to the destination

Yuan remittances


Alivala Trading Company

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options below to contact us

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